Recently I was reading the story in 1 Samuel about the Israelites being afraid of an attack from the Philistines. Samuel prayed for the Lord’s help against their enemies and God literally thundered from Heaven, confusing the Philistines (as you might imagine) and giving confidence to the Israelites that their God was on the move. Afterwards Samuel erected a monument of stone called Ebenezer, meaning “Stone of Help” saying, “Thus far has the Lord helped us.”
I love this story. Forever that stone monument would testify to God’s track record of salvation, provision, redemption and refuge, and it would pledge his future help.
In this time of transition for me into something completely new that I have very little frame of reference for, it can be easy to forget the answered prayers, the ways the Lord has already come through and the way he has helped time and time again in the past. It has been easy for me to forget my God has always kept his word.
He has always been who he says he is and done what he said he will do, most importantly through Jesus.
The stories each of us get to tell of how God has moved in our daily lives can be our own unique "Ebenezer," our monument proclaiming who God is, what he does, and why we can trust him today, no matter the external circumstances. He has a track record.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Brea Biebert