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He works through me

Dear friends,

I am having a wonderful time here in Korea and I have many friends, but it is not always easy. There are times that I get lonely and there are times when I think that I’m not doing a good enough job or I’m not getting people to attend church or to come to a Bible class. I always need to be reminded that it’s not about me but it’s all about God and I need to turn back to Him and trust that He will work through me. When I do that, great things tend to happen.

This past Friday night at a Jazz bar a young lady asked me if she and her friend could sit with me and speak English. They asked me why I was in Korea and then wanted to know what I believed about God and what the differences were between what I believed and what they teach at the churches here in Korea (they are very law oriented). I ended up spending almost three hours telling them about God’s great love for us and how the gift of salvation is free and that God has done all the work for us. It was good news to them just as it is to all of us! We have already made plans to get together again.

I pray that God gives me the words to tell them so that they might know the great joy that He gives to us.

Then, God gave me another great example of His work and love on Saturday night at the Language Café. Miles (the owner of the cafe) had been in a conversation with several of his customers and after he was done he told me that they were discussing true happiness and how to achieve it…not just a fleeting joy but true happiness. He asked me what I thought. Wow, what an opening. I went on for about 15 minutes telling of the joy that only God can bring and that it’s a gift freely given to all of us. After I was done talking, I had three people come up and ask me more about what I was talking about and saying that they would like to come to my church. Sadly none of them showed up on Sunday (in their defense I will say that it is an hour and a half away) but the door is open and I am praying that God gives me the opportunity to share with them even more!!

I also have to tell you about the week before when I was privileged to attend the CELC conference that was held here in Seoul. What an awesome experience to meet and make friends with pastors and missionaries from Lutheran Synods from around the world that are in fellowship with the WELS! There were about 100 attendees from 27 different countries and I think I talked with every person that was here and got invited to visit many places all over the world. Who knows what plans God has for me in the future. It was quite possibly one of the most enjoyable and satisfying experiences in my whole life and I thank you all once again for giving me all of these opportunities to praise the Lord! After five days of talking, laughing and sharing God’s word with them I was totally exhausted and slept almost the whole weekend!

Once again, I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I might make you and God as proud of me as I am of you!

May God bless you all,

Doug Tabor

Seoul, South Korea

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58



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